Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where do they get these things?

And why didn't I ever think of them. In retrospect, it seems perfectly logical. I took F to SWAP at church. R stayed home with the babies. He had them out in the front yard playing. Of course they had gotten into the garage. Why? I don't know. They have a whole cul de sac to themselves, but they always find more interesting things to do in the garage. So, apparently, this was one of those times. R told me they put on some lifejackets and got into the disassembled dog box to pretend they were at sea in a storm. After that game faded, W put on his bicycle helment (which of course means G did too) and decided he was playing football. Afterall, he had on his "pads" and helmet. So, now they are out in the front yard and cul de sac with the football playing their newest game. For those of you that don't know. Will has been enamored with Boise State every since he saw their blue turf on the fb field. W tells R "I'm playing football for Boise State!" R said G looked perplexed for just a moment then came out with "and I am playing football for Girlsy State! "
In less comical news we took all 3 to get their flu shots today. After a two hour wait, we finally got in to see the nurse. G was superbrave last year. She volunteered to go first and barely whimpered. Faith got all psyched up and had a drama event. G has been tormenting her for a year now about how she was brave getting her flu shot and F wasn' me, she finds a way to work this into conversation very frequently. So, yesterday F decided she would go first. She had a little last minute anxiety and insisted that it be done in her leg (to quote her "where there's more meat"), so I held her. Anyway, she jerked, but barely make a sound! So now it's G's turn now she's insisting on having her's in the leg also, and she has the drama episode! Of course she wanted her Diddy Daddy to hold her through it all. I'm thinking W saw all of this and is really worked up by now. That little boy stepped right up, got into R's lap (who was still on the table. I had taken G for him) R: Okay big guy, do you want the leg too? W: No Sir, arm. He looked at me across the room, shot was given, and he didn't even make a face! R and I were floored with pride. I asked him, "Are you almost 5?, that was super bigboy!" He was absolutely beeming with pride over the fact that he had "manned up". As I type this story, he has gotten up, is snuggling here next to me in bed with his baby and thumb in his mouth. Alas, maybe there is still some little guy left in him afterall....I'm so glad!

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