Tuesday, August 11, 2009

School days

First day of school
First day of school, lunchroom

playset, (latest addition to my "guilded cage") almost done

Why, yes, that IS a bay window in the back!

Crow's nest

Yes, those are GG's feet half way to the moon
School officially started yesterday. I have my letter of intent into the superintendant and everything. Faith has a pretty full schedule of Language Lessons, Language Composition, Spelling, Reading aloud, math, science, history, typing, and geography. Will has reading, writting, and 'rithmatic. Oh, and spelling and some geography too. Gracie has a workbook, but a very bad attitude to go along with it, so not much is getting done. I've told her that she doesn't have to "do school" if she doesn't want to, but that she is not allowed to distract the big kids.
The playset is done and they LOVE it! That's where they spend their 20 min. morning breaks...a recess if you will. These first two days have been completed by lunch, so the afternoons are pool/playset time. This is a good schedule and I'm hoping not to lose the pool time since it's about a thousand degrees here! So, now you have our latest. I'm attaching some pictures..

1 comment:

4 Lettre Words said...

Love these! Glad to see that things are well. I'm sooo behind. :o(