The first week of school went very well. We had a schedule, stuck to it and got everything on it accomplished except the science experiment on Friday. F saved that to do with her Daddy on Saturday. They are growing bacteria in petri dishes......maybe now you get the picture as to why I encouraged her to do this experiment with her Daddy. Afterall, we wouldn't want him left out of these oh so special schooling moments:)
Mom continues to get weaker. She had a total body petscan on Friday and she gets the results on Wednesday. She is scheduled for an Avastin treatment next week then they are coming here. I hope to have some quality days with her and give my Dad a break. I will encourage them to stay as long as possible.
W has asked to play tball this fall, so R registered him for that tonight. They will all 3 play soccer. F wants to dance and do gymnastics too, but the homeschool class didn't make at the Satellite Beach Rec. She also wants to join a musical/acting group at church on Wednesday nights. I would like R to take the babies to Awana that same night at another local church, but this is getting all very overwhelming........Is this the age that we are to become slaves to the kids schedules? Afterall, one of the reasons to homeschool is to NOT be a slave to their schedules. R is volunteering to coach and asst. coach for all sports teams and I am volunteering for the church thing. Depending on when they practice, it is possible to have something every night! Yeah, somthin's gotta give....
GG can't decide if she's 3 or 13. One minute she wants to be "a teenie, tiny baby" and the next, she's insulted not to be called a big girl.
The kids and I are taking over the bulletin boards at church. The lady that is in charge of the children's ministry is a little overwhelmed at the moment and has asked for help in some areas. I figure it's a good art project that I won't be able to put off and they get to serve at the church at the same time. Win, win for all. So, send your creative ideas this way!
The CF center called with her followup test results. There are some crystals in her urine which may indicate kidney stones. So...for now it's more tests...
I'll keep you updated
Tomorrow is our nephew Jackson's birthday. He is turning five. W is only two months behind!
Oh, and their Great Gommer on R's side is turning 85 on Sunday.
So, Happy Birthday Jackson and Mammy!
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