Sunday, August 23, 2009

WARNING: The Bible is NOT for children!

David (of David and Golith) grew up. His best friend was the King's son, Jonathan. He had also distuguished himself in battle. That's the background. Now for the story: King Saul wanted David to marry his daughter. This was actually the second daughter that he had offered to David, but David (I'm sure very politely) declined his generous offer of the first. The King's second daughter had fallen in love with David so the King made another offer. ...he really wanted David to be in the family..... In these times, David has to pay a dowry to marry the daughter. Well, if you remember from the children's story, David grew up a poor shepherd boy. This was the Royal Family...what to do, what to do? So, the King sends his emmisaries. His offer: David was to bring him the FORESKINS of 200 philistinans. Yes, I said foreskins! So David goes out, kills 200 philistinians, and brings the foreskins to the King. He marries his daughter and if you want to know whether or not the couple lives happily ever after, you should really read the book for yourselves.
And where did I hear this quaint little bedtime story you ask? In my six year old daughter's bedroom at 2AM night before last.
You see, a couple of years ago I bought Richard the entire bible on CD as a gift. He spends so much time in the car, you know. It was the NIV version...perhaps the NIV isn't the New International Version, but the Now Inappropriate Version . Well, my budding little theologan likes to listen to them at night. It never occured to me that this should be a concern. Afterall, it's the word of God....
So, two nights ago, she was having a particulary difficult night with her coughing, so I went to her room to sleep with her and this charming little gem was what was playing on her CD player.
So, in closing, just to warn you again.....THE BIBLE IS NOT FOR CHILDREN!
BTW, what did the King DO with said foreskins?

Uncle John...Guess who I am sending her to when she starts asking these questions for herself?

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