Monday, October 13, 2008

amendment to He's Baaaack!

I spoke to my Daddy today who told me that my Gage story had to be edited. Mr. Strickland is, in fact in his 80's, not 70's. Also, he does not have a wooden leg. He did have a wooden leg when they moved to Florida, but (and I swear, this is the truth) it got termites in it and has been since replaced by a regular prothstetic device. (leg) Seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up!


Joanna Durstine said...

Termites...really!?! Could this story get any "better"!?

Anonymous said...

I was actually thinking that you should have taken him on the pirate ship with his wooden leg.

Thanks for the update. Makes the story even funnier.

Julie G. said...

Finally caught up on my reading!! SO glad you are able to blog this. Sounds like you all are staying quite busy (how unusual for you!!)

Envious of the beach time not so much of the house hunting time. Good news is a couple homes in LP sold!!

Your kids are beautiful.

Keep on posting.


Anonymous said...

Wow, thank GOD you are back in the trailer park and away from the nosy do-gooders with termite ridden legs!