My amazing Grace, my baby, my GG. (Gracie girl, grumpy girl, grundgy girl) was born 5 years ago. I love that she was born on 3:16 and the name we had picked for her is Grace. Wow! It was almost midnight and the epidural was wearing off when my unexpected blessing came into this world. My third child in as many years. I wasn't sure God knew what he was doing with this one. This (statistically) medically impossible child, but I am certainly glad he sent her. Our family would not be the same without our GG. For one thing, the house would be a LOT more quiet. Faith always has her head stuck in a book, Will, well, he's got a Y chromosome...'nuff said, but Grace is in CONSTANT commentary mode. To us, to herself, it doesn't matter! Always talking, ALWAYS talking. If we were Jews trying to hide from the Nazi's in a wall, Anne Frank style, our family would be screwed! It's her birthday, so I will focus on the positive articulate qualities of my daughter. It's a sign of intelligence, right? Of my children's aspirations, GG has the most unusual. If all their dreams come to pass, I will have a Nobel winning scientist, an astronaut and......wait for it..."a stilts person". Yes, GG wants to be a person that walks on stilts when she grows up. You are thinking..hmmm...third child, tired of always being the smallest, etc. No, GG wants to be a stilts person because they make people smile. How sweet is that? In addition to sweet, my babygirl is smart and tenacious too. She was Mary in our church's production of The Christmas play last year. Yes, at four. I thought Michelle was a little out of her mind for casting a 4 yr old who'd never performed on stage in such a crucial role,(also, she can't carry a tune in a bucket and it was a musical with a solo!) but she pulled it off with flying colors. I have to say, that of the three, she took the whole production the most seriously and behaved better throughout the sememster. She LOVES to perform. GG is constantly creating plays to keep us entertained. I wish that I could bottle her energy for life, as it seems boundless! Happy Birthday to my Gracie Girl! Mommy loves you very much!

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