Well, first, we recieved the best news we can recieve each quarter. Faith's lung culture results came back negative for anything!
We took the day off on Monday to go to the beach. It was a nice break and the day was a good one. I tried to take some pictures for Christmas card photos, but the sun was too harsh AND girls both got knocked over by a huge wave........ in their dresses. Will saw the wave and ran to save himself. Faith said she saw the wave coming, but didn't want the picture to be blurry with her movement..She is a real pro. After I rescued the girls from the surf they were both crying. I took one picture of them with "the faces" and within just a second or so, by the time I took the second, Faith had pasted her model smile on her face. It was SO funny! Like I said, she's a real pro.
So, like I said, she's been saving for almost a year. I knew how close she was to the purchase and that her allowance on Monday night would put her over the top. So, although she didn't realize she was getting the doll that night (I bought it ahead of time) I wanted her to have the first book.
Her overwhelming happiness over this doll is so touching. She keeps thanking us and takes her everywhere...even to the next room. We have told her more than once that she earned her, saved her money and how proud we are, but she still persists. That is one girl with an "Attitude of Graditude". So, now we have a new member of the family..........Violet. Here is her picture.

Tuesday and today were normal school days. Tuesday night was the last soccer practice of the season. Gracie is bummed, but I am soooo happy! Oh, on Monday night, at shower time, after Faith had gotten Violet, she took her shower in record time so that she could play with her. The babies were in the bathtub next to her in the shower (as usual) and like I said, record time.(NOT usual. Her usual is a long hot, making her Daddy crazy shower) When she stepped out, Gracie looked at her her and said, "Faith, you took your shower in a timely fashion!" Yes, she's three. How funny is that?
Today was a difficult day of school. Faith is not doing well with her time management skills. Susanne, my MIL, called this afternoon. As I'm complaining to her about what a pain Faith was being outloud it strikes me how ridiculous I must sound gripe-ing about how my six year old hasn't gotten her narration paper on The Odessey finished in a timely manner. (Wonder where Gracie got the phrase from?)
Maybe I could afford to lighten up just a little:)
Will, who is doing a fantastic job with own reading, decided he wanted me to read Hamlet (children's version) to him today. We broke it up over two meals since even the children's Shakespere is a little lengthy. As I am wondering why I am so bushed at the end of the day, it occurs to me that I have tackled Shakespere with a five and six yr. old and Homer with the six.........In the same day. Am I a crazy woman? ..........Like I said, maybe lighten up JUST a little. At least we did take the day off on Monday to go to the beach. Otherwise, I would feel REALLY too uptight:)
Gracie is going through a Mommy phase......she is almost four, and it is about time. It's very sweet, but a little cumbersome.
Will's last tball practice is tomorrow night with the last games in both sports on Saturday. Did I mention how happy I am about this? I may just have to dance on the fields after the games...........that won't embarass the kids at all, will it?
That'll be GREAT!
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