We started the day as usual, breakfast, medicine, therapy, but then went to the Home Depot for Kid's Workshop Day. After that, R suggested we go to the Brevard Zoo down in Melbourne. (Close to the house I like) I have to admit here, to a true "Atlanta Bias" that you hear so much about in the rest of the south. I figured it was going to be a big dissapointment for the kids. However, they got to feed giraffes and parrots, ride the train and see a whole section on Florida wildlife. We warned them ahead that there were no panda's, so the only real dissapointment they had was the lack of elephants. I think the feedings more than made up for it.
Girls, can we talk? My husband, who is usually so great about these things really threw me for a loop this morning. Getting ready.....Trying to get everyone out the door. I was inside boiling the nebulizer..........after making breakfast, feeding the dog, doing F's meds and dressing 3 children and doing their hair, in addition to myself. So, I am in the camper, everyone else is outside (around the car) and R asks me when we can leave and if there's anything he can do to help. (good things) I tell him, "Get the kids in the car, and I will be out when this finishes." We have 3 children. Since putting in the two new boosters, now they all need help with the seatbelts (ie: doing it for them) He got them in and comes back to get something. I think "Wow, that was fast" only to look out and see that although all 3 kids are in the car, they are all wandering around and NONE of them are strapped in! I know that I didn't specify strap them in, but come on! They could've open the door and let themselves in! Does that REALLY have to be said?
Answer: apparently so.
Who is this man and what has he done with my husband? I would like to add that this is the second "man move" that he's made in 2 days....Perhaps the close living quarters are having a little more effect than I thought.
On a good "husband note", KCI gave him a new phone (theirs) that he has to use for business. Now we have 3 cell phones and need to do something about it. He decided to cut my service, (but I still have the same number, thanks to him calling and handling the transfer) and give me his phone. Here, I should explain that I had the free Verizon flip phone that you get with your sign up. It's the same phone that KCI gave him....but his isn't pink. My new, inherited phone? A blackberry pearl that I can also get my email through! It was his dream phone..........and he gave it to me. I guess I can forgive the strapping thing.....it really does all come out in the wash.
Mom called tonight; they are back from their NE leaf trip. They went all over, saw a LOT of history and had a great time. I am glad they are finally able to enjoy some retirement.
F has a cough I'm getting concerned about. It was getting better, but now it seems worse again. I will keep you posted. Maybe R can get her to run with him tomorrow and clear her out. OH! I can't believe I forgot to post this:
I think hell must be a little cooler these days, well on it's way to a freeze. R has adopted Gage as his new running partner! Wonders never cease.
We spent all afternoon trying to get flu shots. With all the hype about how important they are, you would think it would be easier. Honestly, I have been trying since we left Atlanta. No pediatrician will give them unless they are exsiting patients and all the "flu drive" places we have found only give shots to people over 18. Of course, they are the ones we are most concerned about, F in particular, and would like to get her a pneumonia, in addition. If we knew where we were going to live, I would just go ahead a get a pediatrician, but that isn't happening either. Maybe if we sell our house soon, I can take them to their ped in Atlanta.
I have a sinus infection. I am going full force into the sinus rinses and hoping I can clear it myself. Pray for us all on this as my constant headache effects (or is that affects, I never can remember........Shoes?) everyone. More updates later....
1 comment:
Hope the cough goes away and that the contract goes through!
Have a blessed week, my friend!
P.S. Check out my recent blog post to see my sweet Yoda!!
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