Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More News

Faith's appt. went really well. Of course she didn't weigh as much as they wanted, but that's always the case. Her BMI was in around the 30th % which is higher than it's ever been. We really liked the new center and all the staff. They seem to really be on the ball and handled Faith very well. The respiratory therapist looks like Shoes and is a really sweet woman. We finally took the plunge and decided to put a bid in on a house even though the one in Atlanta hasn't sold yet. The camper life lost it's charm sometime around the beginning of last week and we are going with our faith in God that he'll take care of us. So, that being said, we decided on a home in Melbourne. It' s the one I spoke of before that went off the market then came back on. It is a nice house in a good, yet little older neighborhood with the best backyard in Florida. A 4/2.5 with a family, dining and living room. A great outdoor lanai with a screen enclosed pool and did I mention the great backyard?

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