Monday, November 10, 2008

Great News!

No, we didn't sell our house, but in our family, this news is even better. Will's illness turned out to be totally gastro, no lung/head stuff, and he seems better now. So far, everyone else is fine. His temperature threw me off yesterday. Who runs a fever with a stomachache? Apparently, Will. Gracie tricked me with her sleepy/cranky mood with a combo of sniffy allergy stuff. Once she got her second wind, she was fine.
The campground cranked up the heaters on the pools today, so I guess we will be going there on a regular basis again. There is a leak under the bathroon sink that a guy is coming to fix in the AM. Not much activity today. I stayed close to the camper (camper's bathroom) this morning, but got out a little more and over to the pool once I was confident that Will was going to be okay. I will spare you the details of the midnight spontaneous combustion of our son last night, but in the lessons learned catagory, if your 4 yr old is suffering from gastro problems already, don't feed him an apple for his dinner. In this case, an apple a day, blah blah blah is not a good prescription.

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