Sunday, September 28, 2008

You're not in Stepford anymore, Toto

Here's a picture of the babies with my parents this morning before they left. Yes, Summer, I know I should have posed them differently so that the kids were closer to the grandparent faces.

Took the kids to a park this evening. It was a local city park on the water. The atmosphere was really nice and laid back walking along the water walking trails. We went by a marina, saw the boats, explained some boat and water things to the kids.....I actually started hearing Jimmy Buffet's "Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude". The walk was a little littered with a few questionable characters, but the usual fare if you've spent anytime around a beach. The playground, however, was a real wake-up call. I can't quite explain the particulars of it, but let's just say we were not in LP anymore. Maybe it was because the only parks we ever went to outside LP were in the middle of the day with the other SAHM's and their children. Also, I only took them when the school children were in session, so they were used to Faith being the oldest child on the playground.

No one reading this will believe it, but F has been replaced as my best student. W has decided he wants to be an astronaunt and is studying like never before. Maybe it's just his age, or his recent success, but he is really diving into his workbooks (almost finished his Kindergarten WBook he started when we got here) and sticking with his HOPhonics. It is such a pleasant change! Of course W's new motivation has motivated G and now she is demanding to do her own Work Books instead of just coloring. (like a baby) You know she's all about being the big girl.

That's the latest from here. More later..........

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